Get a free assessment to help improve your web presence

Get a free assessment to help improve your web presence

Door Make Marketing Magic op 3 mei 2021.

If this past year has taught Microsoft partners anything, it is that their online presence is key to surviving, thriving and growing.

Your website and social media presence have become the digital shop windows for potential customers who have rapidly embraced cloud technology and new methods of working.

Yet too many Microsoft partners have websites that are little more than static business cards, load slowly and provide little opportunity to engage with visitors who could be keen to buy.

Benchmarked results

Over the past six months, Make Marketing Magic has assessed the digital marketing capability of hundreds of Microsoft partners, benchmarking them to understand how improvements can be made.

With the unique Online Presence Assessment (OPA), you can learn how to optimize and improve your website and gain the key learnings that lead to growth.

We are currently offering the OPA – and an in-depth consultation – for free to Microsoft partners.

Get a complete and accurate picture of your business online.

We go under the hood to see what is working and what needs optimizing, all benchmarked against hundreds of Microsoft partners across Europe.

When tuned and operating correctly, a website – combined with other online channels – can become your best salesperson, a tool that generates business.

Top five challenges

Going deep into the hundreds of Online Presence Assessments that we have completed, we found a top five set of challenges faced by Microsoft partners, learnings that can make the difference between your business growing – or standing still:

  1. The company value proposition is not clear: Believe it or not, many Microsoft partner websites lack a clear explanation of what their business offers and why customers should be interested in their products and services.
  2. The target audience is not addressed: A lot of partners know who their ideal customer us, but not enough of them address their prospects’ needs and pain points.
  3. Slow loading speeds impede the customer experience and search engine optimisation (SEO): A lot of Microsoft partner websites are slow to load, which not only impacts the overall quality score and SEO ranking – it’s also a sure-fire way of losing prospects, as they switch off before seeing what’s on offer.
  4. SEO keywords are rarely product or market driven: The top five keywords found by Google and Bing are often not the keywords many Microsoft partners want to be found for. They’re not product or market-driven for the most part – and they need to be.
  5. Most websites need more calls to action: Where B2B tech sales are concerned, few customers convert there and then. It often takes several “exposures” and interactions, especially when it comes to premium services. That’s why giving them multiple options to convert is essential at every step of the funnel.

Each Online Presence Assessment (OPA) analyses more than 200 data points using the best available tools combined with a human intelligence review of the technical aspects and marketing fundamentals.

And we are currently offering a free OPA to Microsoft partners – combined with a free consultation. You can register for it in a couple of minutes here.

The OPA is part of Boost your Business, an in-depth and cost-effective marketing and sales programme which supports Microsoft partners growth. For more information, click here.

You can read more about our services in the Microsoft Concierge catalogue here.