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1UUR.NU joins forces with Make Marketing Magic to grow

Door Make Marketing Magic op 6 december 2019.

A young, ambitious company that aims to grow at lightning speed: that’s The agency’s mission is as original as its name. Bas van Gool, CEO and co-founder, doesn’t beat about the bush: “Ultimately, we want to help everyone in the Netherlands become digitally adept – and, therefore, more productive.”

To accomplish this mission, it’s paramount for to shout its existence from the rooftops. “We are a Lean company, so not setting up our own marketing department has been a very conscious decision,” says Bas. “But we have to do ‘something’ about marketing to reach our ultimate goal, as well as to achieve this year’s exacting target.” Self-confidently, Bas continues, “Our ambition is to multiply our revenue by five this year. This means that should be visible and recognizable, and that we need to go off the beaten track – our network – to find new customers. Enter Make Marketing Magic.”

Letting organizations benefit from increased productivity

“So, what exactly do we do at Well, we provide productivity training. No top-level consultancy, but a hands-on approach: we work with the employee on the work floor. We hold personal, one-on-one training sessions, addressing a specific employee’s issues and discussing how they can become more productive. What we often see – after an implementation, for example – is that companies don’t fully utilize the possibilities of ICT. Suppose an organization starts to work with Office 365, which is a current trend. This means they’ll need to work in the cloud, and their data will no longer be stored locally. The resulting possibilities are amazing. You can, among other things, collaborate smartly, share tasks in a breeze, and improve your time management. We can help the employee get started with all this, simply by providing them with tips and tricks on how to perform their work in a faster or easier way. Afterwards, both the individual employee and the organization benefit from increased productivity.”

Growth can be found outside existing networks

“We find that companies we’ve worked with like to return to us, because they immediately see productivity increase on the work floor. Furthermore, we regularly welcome new customers through our partnership with Microsoft, where our training sessions are called ‘unique.’ That’s why they’re happy to refer their customers to us. By now, we serve all markets – from ministries and social organizations to a large international company such as Tata Steel, where we provide training to management, the communications department, and factory employees alike. “But to realize our ambition to grow, existing customers and networks won’t suffice. We’ll need to show ourselves to the world and be more in touch with it. We discussed our objectives with Make Marketing Magic, which made recommendations for the most suitable marketing strategy.”

Getting to work with Make Marketing Magic

“Together with Make Marketing Magic’s marketing manager, we also clearly defined our buyer persona. This has given us a distinct picture of our ideal customer, the questions and concerns they need to tackle, and their expectations from us. Subsequently, Make Marketing Magic assisted us in mapping our contacts and putting them in a database. Incredibly valuable, because each contact is a potential client. Additionally, Make Marketing Magic helped us pick the platforms through which we want to communicate. Currently, it’s mainly LinkedIn.
“The challenge is to regularly share content that appeals to the target group. Therefore, we publish a blog on our website and share it on social media every two weeks. Make Marketing Magic’s content writer helps sharpen our experts’ stories and turns them into blogs that match the buyer persona’s interests. I find that Make Marketing Magic serves as a good incentive. We know we need to post a blog every two weeks, so we constantly monitor our target group’s issues as well as information that will be relevant to them.”

A better picture of your clients

“Furthermore, Make Marketing Magic helps us analyse who reads our blogs, so we get a better picture of the organizations that are interested in us. And thanks to the software platform, YourWoo, we gain insight into the response on our website. This allows us to see what does and doesn’t work for our target group and adjust our marketing content accordingly.
“Since we started this process, we have a better picture of our clients. And besides improving our brand awareness, the blogs also contribute to the sales process. When interacting with customers, it’s useful to refer to a blog, so they can read more about a certain topic at their own pace and keep following us.
“What I like most about Make Marketing Magic’s approach is that it’s so hands-on. They don’t make a big fuss – you just get started. Much like our training sessions!”