How your website can win you more business

How your website can win you more business

Door Make Marketing Magic op 16 november 2020.

“How do I look?” It’s the question we all ask – or think – when we are about to head out the door for a night out.

Everyone wants to look right for the event they are attending – and to impress or fit in with the people they are meeting.

But the same doesn’t necessarily go for your company’s web presence. Having the best-looking website isn’t going to win you more business unless it really works hard for you.

If the pandemic has taught businesses anything, it is the importance of having a strong digital shop window for your products and services.

Tell your story

Your website needs to do more than just look good. It must work efficiently and effectively. Be attractive, be relevant for your target audience, tell your story, gain new leads and potential sales.

It needs to load fast: the impatience of web surfers is well known. They are gone in just four seconds if it’s too slow. Probably gone to your competitors.

Immediately someone hits your home page, they should know what your value proposition is – a brand promise that is unique and on target.

You must be found on search engines, especially Google (and Bing for completeness). Search engine optimization is a science that doesn’t need to cost a ton of money but is incredibly challenging to master.

Under the bonnet

Do you have the right keyword combinations, are you getting backlinks from other domains? Are you labelling your pages correctly? All activities that are “under the bonnet”, but vital to make your web presence fly.

Increasingly, it must be compliant: GDPR wasn’t just a fad, a burst of panic back in 2018 that has now faded into the background. Consumers care more and more about their privacy and don’t want to be blitzed by messaging that they don’t value.

And it should have the right hooks to draw your audience in, so you can take them down “conversion street” from building awareness through to action.

Do you have great blogs that are relevant to your buyer persona? Is there gated content such as white papers or e-books that enable your potential customers to sign up to your database?

Case studies and customer testimonials are always valuable, while video is increasingly important in your media mix.

Your Online Presence Assessment

Here at Make Marketing Magic, we have built a simple and cost-effective Online Presence Assessment for any business looking to understand how they can improve their web and social presence.

The report is free for Microsoft partners, so click here to register.

Non-Microsoft partners who want to register for the report and a personal session to give you actionable and immediate results should email here.