Six tips for your homepage content

Six tips for your homepage content

Door Make Marketing Magic op 25 februari 2020.

A lot of customers ask us if we would like to take a look at the homepage of their website and – if necessary – rewrite the content on it. This is understandable because we all know a good homepage is important.

But it is difficult to do a simple and quick rewrite because this text is the core of who you are and what you do. It is worth thinking deeply about what you need to say.

Tip 1: What problems are your target customers facing?

A website used to be a kind of glorified business card: now it has to inform, inspire and help customers and potential customers. The latter is especially important.

Your target group is intrinsically interested in themselves and not in your company. When they visit your website, nine times out of 10 they are looking for a solution to their problem.

They want to be helped. So make sure you know the problem of your target group, that you know how to put it into words and that you put it on your homepage in clear language.

Visitors to your website should recognize themselves in it, feel understood and click through to other pages.

Tip 2: What exactly do you do?

Saying what you’re doing is difficult. Just listen to yourself critically when someone asks: ‘What exactly are you doing?’

Most of us come up with an endless story that doesn’t make sense to the uninitiated. People won’t understand you, let alone be able to repeat your story.

Force yourself to get to the core of what you stand for, which means you will have to leave out a lot and make choices. Put words on the homepage that tell what you’re really about. You can go deeper on the nuances of your business when you talk to them later.

Tip 3: The fewer words the better

Use as few words as possible. People don’t really read deeply online, but scan quickly. You have to grab them as they come in the front door. There is no time to lose. Be relevant at all times.

Tip 4: Can I use technical jargon? Absolutely not!

Do not use technical jargon. Not on your homepage and not on other web pages. After all, your website is there for others, not your colleagues.

When people don’t understand what you’re writing, they switch off quickly.

It is worth adding that it has been scientifically proven that the professional who gets to the heart of the matter quickly and in normal human language is seen as an expert. Everyone find this kind of person reliable.

Tip 5: Fascinate, surprise, be yourself

It is important to be yourself as an individual and as a company. What’s your DNA, your identity?

Think about the tone-of-voice of the content. Do you speak to the reader in a voice they will understand? Can the text be funny or informal? What it boils down to is that you stand out from others. Dare to be different. Dare to be yourself.

Tip 6: Choose an image that suits you

If you are satisfied with the text, choose an image. An image can make or break a text.

The other day I thought a customer had launched a completely new website. I complimented them on that. The website was fresh and it suited them.

But what actually happened was that they had only posted a different image. In short: look for images that fit your company, that radiate who you are and are one with the text.

The core of your business

Finally, this. As a company, you’re always on the move, so your website should reflect that. A text you write today may not fit in a few weeks or months from now. Be flexible and adapt. That way you get closer and closer to the core of your business.

Good luck!

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